About Me

I’m a geek of many flavors. I’ve got a PhD in physics and I’m a science educator and communicator, plus I’m an audiogeek (think podcasts and radio). My coolest job was as a postdoc at the Exploratorium Museum of Science in San Francisco, and the next-coolest was as an intern at the science desk at National Public Radio. I’ve done some freelance science journalism (see publications below), have several podcast series, and was on the air on NPR. I get to have a lot of fun.

I am now a postdoc at the University of Colorado at Boulder in Physics Education Research. I’m currently working on reforming college physics courses, ostensibly so that students learn more. I’m here to learn how people learn, so I can do more effective science education and outreach.  I am currently looking for contract work — here’s my resume.

The posts on this blog represent my personal opinions and are not endorsed or supported in any way by the University of Colorado or the Exploratorium.  This is my own blog, but heavily influenced by my employment experiences, past and present!

About this blog

This blog is a place where I can post interesting science tidbits or musings about science, science education, and science communication. I have a lot here for K-12 science educators, including hands-on activities and pedagogical tips. I also have a quite a few posts about how people learn, drawn from science education research. One of the most popular parts of the blogs are my science myths and bad science sections. Use the categories and tags to navigate among the different portions of the blog, as there is a wide variety of topics.

More resources from and about me:

Contact me:


Home page: http://www.exo.net/~drsteph

Podcasts on nanotechnology (SmallTalk) or Teaching Tips for Science Teachers (winner of Best Professional Development podcast from Podcast for Teachers).

My print publications list (including MP3’s from ye olde NPR days) and the live webcasts I did at the Exploratorium.

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7 Responses to “About me”

  1. pannlife Says:

    Why do they use the term “fellow” like that? Do you think it’s sexist?

    Perhaps “fella” would be cuter.

  2. Ravi Says:

    :-)) @ pannlife

  3. Ψ*Ψ Says:

    yay for reforming college physics classes! i’ll admit that the freshman engineering physics classes required for my major almost made me drop out because they absolutely SUCKED! now, years later, i’m realizing that condensed matter is super important in my field and is also really cool. 🙂

  4. I like your moniker, “psi*psi”. It reminded me of a great moment from my young adulthood. My father is a physical chemist. Whenever I was exasperated at something as a child, I would say “sigh” (not actually sigh, but say the word “sigh.”) He would always reply “star sigh”. I never understood what the heck he was talking about. Years later, in my late twenties, when I was finishing quantum mechanics, I suddenly remembered these exchanges. I called up Dad and asked him, “Was that a reference to the probability density of the wavefunction?” “Yes,” he told me, “you have arrived.”

  5. Ψ*Ψ Says:

    Your father sounds like an awesome person!

  6. Rachael Bruton Says:

    HI there,

    could you possibly tell me where I can find the corrugated plastic tubing to make whirlies like the white ones? I have been hunting everywhere for months. I purchased 3 very expensive ones from Australia, but I would like a class set as I have written a song to the ones I have and would like to give one to all of my grade 4’s.

    Thank you so much

    Rachael Bruton

  7. I am pretty sure that the Exploratorium folks used to find them at swimming pool supply stores. They are the tubing that is used for the pool cleaning devices, etc.

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